суботу, травня 27, 2006


I have a fridge!!! *does the little happy dance* So on Wednesday afternoon, my doorbell rang (the ring is "It's a Small World", which I just consider to be one of life's little ironies). I looked through my peephole to see a 9th form boy, not one of my students, who I had had to discipline for saying the f-word in class (and then he had gotten lectured from everyone else as well). So I open the door, somewhat apprehensively, and he says, "Good morning, Miss Sally!" I roll my eyes and say, "Good afternoon," and he replies with something in Russian, of which I only understood the word for "refridgerator". :) Then the fridge, the bed, and a ceiling fan arrived with more 9th form boys. I gave them all cookies.

I have since scrubbed down my fridge thoroughly (it was old and moldy, reminiscent of West Circle fridges), and hung up pictures and Cyrillic alphabet magnets.

I forgot to post about my friend Rita's 21st birthday last Sunday. Rita is a bookkeeper at my school, knows a little English, and is the one person in town near my age who I consider a friend and has taken the time to hang out with me and get to know me. Her birthday was Sunday, and we celebrated by getting ice cream in a cafe, walking around town, and riding the Ferris Wheel at the top of the hill that Balaklia is built on. You get a great view of everything...but we got a little queasy! Rita just kept saying, "Oh, G-d, oh, G-d!"...and then she completely switched to Russian. :) So we decided we're a little old for that.


Summer plans (since everyone in my town keeps asking, I'll assume you're all curious as well):

After school gets out on Wednesday, Tif and I are headed to Kyiv for immunizations/celebrations. Tif's staying a couple weeks (I'll only be there two days), as she's having housing issues at her site (ie she doesn't have anywhere to live right now).

Then I'm helping out with a summer camp/daycare program for the 1st-4th formers at my school for a couple of weeks, followed by a Peace Corps conference and a summer camp in Sumy Oblast in July. In August, I hope to go visit Brandi in Cologne, Germany, for a week or so, depending on timing, tickets, and such. And then, on September 1st, school starts again! If anyone's going to be in Europe this summer, look me up!


At 5:34 пп, травня 27, 2006, Anonymous Анонім said...

happy fridge!
Now you can store leftovers!

At 7:02 пп, травня 27, 2006, Blogger Brad and Megan said...

Welcome back from the 19th century!


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