пʼятницю, червня 16, 2006

feeling better

Spent Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and Thursday at home recuperating. My throat's still a little scratchy, but I'm definitely better than I was a few days ago.

I celebrated getting better by starting to clean my closet, finally putting pictures (magazine cutouts and reproductions of famous stuff, plus a few random things) on my bedroom door (the Rossetti Annunciation has been with me since freshman year at MSU!), and baking a cake. A yellow cake, to be exact, topped with chocolate and strawberries. It's a bit heavy and rich, and I can't eat any of it without excessive coughing right now, but I was pleased with the result.

Today was the English exam for the 9-b form, which meant that I ended up listening to a lot of students attempt to read texts, and then we had a "discussion", where I basically asked them yes/no questions. However, I got to discuss David Livingstone, the World Cup, Ne Rodis Krasevoy, how many kids are in the Y family, and that Olena likes July and August because there aren't any exams. Can't say that I blame her.