понеділок, березня 13, 2006

teaching quote of the day

"The truth is that I am enslaved... in one vast love affair with 70 children."

~Sylvia Ashton-Warner

Ashton-Warner, by the way, was an interesting woman. She taught Maori children in New Zealand to read by realizing that they would be more interested in learning to read the words that THEY wanted to know, rather than those in American primers. I recommend her book "Teacher" for anyone interested in elementary bilingual education.


And, because I forgot to mention it in my last post, there is now a school in Ukraine where the students think Amelia Earhart is pretty cool. We talked about her, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Rachel Carson last week for Internat'l Women's Day, but Earhart was by far the most popular.