суботу, березня 25, 2006

um, I'm confused...

To the wonderful person from the US (and I mean this with no sarcasm) who sent me a text message via the Internet at 4:15 this morning:

Honestly, that was a good text message to be woken up by...I can't think of better news! I'm excited! But, um, you forgot to mention who you were, so I don't know who to email for more details. I assume you're from Riverview, due to content. I assume you're female because of the way it read (and because I think Alan and Gary are the only Riv guys who have my number to send texts to, and it didn't read like either of them wrote it). I'm leaning towards Christine or Amy Drip, with the possibility of Liz or Toni, but please send me another text message telling me who you were!

And, since this was second-hand news, can you please ask the person it's about to also contact me? :)

[My apologies to everyone this just confused, ie everyone except who texted me in the first place. But it's the best way of getting ahold of an unknown person that I can think of.]


At 5:41 пп, березня 25, 2006, Anonymous Анонім said...

It wasn't me. I've been meaning to text you, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Nor have I gotten around to buying a new phone card, therefore I haven't called you in awhile either.

At 6:24 пп, березня 26, 2006, Blogger Brad and Megan said...

Sally - Did you know there is an article about Ukraine in this months issue of National Geographic? I just spent my morning reading about the Orange Revolution, the Ukrainian presidents pitted face and the tension between eastern and western Ukrainians. Interesting stuff!

At 6:09 дп, квітня 06, 2006, Anonymous Анонім said...

It wasn't me either!!! Though I have been meaning to :) I enjoy catching up on your life via your blog... thinking of you - Christine


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