четвер, жовтня 18, 2007

my new favorite time-waster

I follow some online journal communities about applying to grad school. Today on one of them, a link was posted to FreeRice.com as a way to practice vocabulary.

This site is cool. It's a basic vocabulary quiz--you are given a word with four choices for synonyms. For every word you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to a hungry person through an international aid agency. Apparently the idea is to support learning and fight hunger. I like this combination. 10 grains isn't much, but it does add up...I'm up to 2,000 grains donated today! (And since I'm supposed to be writing my statement of purpose for grad school, it's likely to increase before I go to bed...)

Also, it's fun to see how well I can do. There are 50 levels of difficulty, but apparently it's almost impossible to get beyond Level 48. I've ranged between 39-45, mostly around 43ish.

So all of you people trying to boost your vocab/waste time/make a difference...go play at FreeRice!

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At 12:37 дп, жовтня 19, 2007, Blogger Yi said...

Are they really going to count the rice grain by grain?

Thank you for the educational and beneficial time-waster, I was going to study for my upcoming tests ;)


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