понеділок, вересня 17, 2007

perhaps biting off more than I can chew, almost literally

Mom and I were talking last night about people making irrational/poor/not well thought out decisions. Well, here's my decison of the week that has the potential to fall into that category (although not necessarily).

For the harvest festival at church next Sunday, I signed up to bring enough cookies for 100-110 people. (According to Mom, 12 dozen should be about right. I think that's gross. Yes, I like puns.)

I volunteered at church yesterday, and then afterwards, when I got to the Yukhemetses', Nadia, who had stayed home with the little kids, was basically like, "You're crazy. Call Tanya (the woman who's organizing the food for the harvest festival) up and tell her you've changed your mind." But I have to remember that this is coming from a woman with 10 children, who would be crazy if she tried to bake 12 dozen cookies (at least, over and above what she already cooks).

Vitaly put in a request for no-bakes, and I found a no-peanut butter version. Making cookies that don't involve peanut butter, chocolate chips (although I can cut up chocolate bars), and much brown sugar (I have maybe a cup and a half left, and getting more would involve going to Kharkiv) makes life challenging. I'm leaning towards half no-bakes and half either applesauce cookies or something to be determined. Does anyone have easy cookie recipes that make a lot?

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