пʼятницю, вересня 30, 2005

'twas the night before Staging

"Dear me, there is nothing but meetings and partings in this world." So says L. M. Montgomery in one of the Anne books. That's a pretty good description of my life right now. I've spent the last few days saying goodbyes, and tomorrow I say my last ones and begin saying my hellos to the hundred-and-ten-ish people who will comprise my fellow PCVs. I'm sort of weepy, sort of excited, and sort of overwhelmed by the million little details that have to get done tonight.

Packing. Now that's a joy (note sarcastic tone). I'm under the allowed weight limits for the Peace Corps, but my bags still are mighty heavy. Mom and I went back through them once I packed and weeded out the non-essentials (chocolate chips, brown sugar, excess stationary, slippers, etc.), but there's still a lot of stuff. Until I realize that this "stuff" will comprise the sum and total of my worldly goods for a couple of years. And then it seems like much less...particularly as far as books are concerned. But I'm looking forward to simplifying my life, and "all will be well and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well," to quote both Julian of Norwich and T. S. Eliot (I think).

Tomorrow I fly from Grand Rapids to Chicago, where my friend Lily, wonderful person that she is, will help me navigate the big, scary city and get to my hotel. Staging (PCV orientation) is tomorrow afternoon and all day Saturday, leaving the evenings free to hang out with my fellow PCVs. Sunday, we fly from Chicago to Frankfort, Germany, and then fly to Kyiv from there. If I get the chance to update at some point this weekend I will, but otherwise, you'll hear from me in Ukraine!


At 7:52 дп, жовтня 01, 2005, Anonymous Анонім said...

So, please explain exactly why there were chocolate chips and brown sugar in your luggage to begin with...

At 6:16 дп, жовтня 02, 2005, Blogger Sally said...

Because I like to bake and I've been told it's hard to find either item in Ukraine. :)

At 7:16 дп, жовтня 03, 2005, Anonymous Анонім said...

You're weird.


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