середу, квітня 25, 2007

Movie Meme

I ran across this while blog-hopping, and it looked like fun.

"Head to IMDB.com and look up ten of your favorite movies. List three plot keywords for each movie, and then see which of your friends can guess what movie you're talking about."

No fair looking up the answers!

1. child bride/1550s/corporal punishment
2. hidden camera/royal romance/press conference
3. battle of wits/giant rat/kissing, The Princess Bride, guessed by Tina
4. subliminal message/terraforming/government cover-up, Serenity, guessed by Liz
5. spinster/Africa/river, The African Queen, guessed by Mom
6. concert/drug addict/marriage proposal , Walk the Line, guessed by Tim
7. fish out of water/linguist/horse race My Fair Lady, guessed by Tina
8. culture clash/sister-sister relationship/dance...Tim said Pride and Prejudice...not quite right, but SO close!
9. milkman/dream sequence/wedding reception, Fiddler on the Roof, guessed by Liz
10. monk/uprising/thunderstorm, Luther, guessed by Pastor Dave

Мітки: ,


At 12:43 дп, квітня 26, 2007, Blogger T said...

Hmm... well, #3 has to be Princess Bride, and I think #7 is My Fair Lady. I feel like I know what #5 is, but I can't remember the title (something with a gem in it?).

At 5:09 дп, квітня 26, 2007, Anonymous Анонім said...

Is #8 "Sense and Sensibility"?


At 5:58 пп, квітня 26, 2007, Anonymous Анонім said...

Number 4 is Serenity and I think number 9 might be Fiddler on the Roof. I would, of course, had gotten numbers 3 and 7, had Tina not beaten me to it. There's a couple others that I feel like I should know, but my brain doesn't want to work right now.

At 6:55 пп, квітня 26, 2007, Anonymous Анонім said...

Is number 10 "Luther"

At 6:13 пп, травня 01, 2007, Anonymous Анонім said...

So are you going to tell us the rest of the answers?

At 2:51 дп, травня 31, 2007, Blogger Kirsten said...

I don't know you but I was skimming your blog because I've been invited to a Peace Corps post in Ukraine and number 2 is definitely Roman Holiday!


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